Peak to Peak Trail and Wilderness Links

Central US
Eastern US
Western US
Other Sites

New Hampshire

4000'ers Journals of the White Mountains website

A Walk For Sunshine

Adventure Matters - Personal website with trip reports, photos and hiking/backpacking related information. Concentrated mostly on the Appalachian Trail. - The Northeast Guide to Mountain Adventure - A resource for New England and Northeast skiing and hiking; online lodging reservations for inns, bed & breakfasts, and hotels throughout New England and the Northeast; an extensive online outdoor gear store; and a popular message forum.

Altered States

American Wilderness

Appalachian Trail Parking

Backcountry Explorer - A companion to the Backcountry Explorer Television Show. Backcountry Explorer features a host of different outdoor excursions across the breadth of the North American continent in search of scenery, solitude and serenity.

Big Moose's Big Mountain Adventures - Unforgettable deep time adventures in the Appalachian Highlands. Personalized adventures designed just for you and a friend. (friend optional) Day hikes and auto adventures in the homebase area! Backpacking/camping/auto adventures anywhere in the Appalachian Mountains! With guide Big Moose, teacher, philospher, cook, former businessman, parttime comedian, and poet laureate of Locus Gaia Gamma.

Bike, Hike, and Paddle

Biking Hiking With Kids

Boston Hiking Club

Chiltern Mountain Club

Dave's Hiking Page

David's Hiking Pages

Four Thousand Footers and Hundred Highest - Dolores and Dan's Four Thousand Footer Web site chronicles their hikes up the Four Thousand Footers and Hundred Highest in New England. Link to the latest weather atop Mount Washington and news from the White Mountains. Dolores Kong and Dan Ring are also co-authors of hiking guides to Acadia National Park.

Gay Outdoors

Georec - Family Outdoor Recreation - Georec is a community website for families that enjoy getting outdoors with their kids. Review and comment on outdoor locations that are great for kids and share photos and other experiences. Find new places and activities nearby to take the kids.

Get Outdoors New England - An internet-based outdoor activities group. No membership fees, no dues. Associates propose and run outdoor events and participate in events run by others. Activities range from hiking and camping to skiing and skydiving. All levels, interests, abilities are welcome.

Granite State Walker - Dayhikes on the trails of southern New Hampshire, with occasional extended journeys. - Cohos Trail - NH Heritage Trail - Lancaster Section

Guide to New Hampshire Trails - Guide to hiking trails in New Hampshire, divided into regions, rated from personal experience.

Highpointing and Peakbagging Adventures - Mohamed's hiking, peakbagging and highpointing adventures in New England and elsewhere

Hike The Whites

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Map of the Eastern United States Alabama
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New York
North Carolina
Rhode Island
South Carolina
West Virginia
Appalachian Trail    

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