Peak to Peak Trail and Wilderness Links

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Ultralight Hiking

Adventure Alan's Ultralight Backpacking

Aktive8 Outdoor Gear & Camping Specialists

AntiGravityGear - Pot Cozys, Alcohol Stoves, Survival Bandanas, Photon lights and a growing line of innovative Ultralight Backpacking Gear.

Backpacker's Den

Backpacking Basecamp - This site has useful information about hiking, backpacking and camping. It includes new articles on these subjects, gear reviews and book reviews on backpacking, campping and hiking.

Backpacking Light

Brasslite Ultralight Backpacking Stove - The lightest commercially available backpacking stoves. Handmade to order. Brasslite combines the durability of traditional stoves with the featherweight of pop-can designs. "Light as a feather, hot as a torch."

Brawny's Home Page

Cascade Alpinist - Ultralight Backpacking

Clever Backpacker

Erin and Hig's Alaska Trekking Page

Extreme Day Hiking - This portal is dedicated to day hikes which are rigorous, exciting, unique, with interesting sights and terrain. The Day Hiker philosophy is a minimalistic approach to clothing, food, and equipment so the hiker can: go early, go light, go fast, go far, go high, and achieve a personal best in one day, returning to a hot shower, a gourmet meal, a fine wine, and a comfortable bed.

GoLite ultra-light backpacking equipment

Gossamer Gear

Great Lakes Lightweight Backpacking - Hiking tips with emphasis on going light Rick hikes with a 13 lb. pack (before adding food and water). He shares his techniques and includes a list of 101+ general hiking tips, and describes favorite hikes in the great lakes region.

Hennessy Hammock

Highpack and Farvman's Backpacking Page - Descriptions, links, and discussions regarding ultralight backpacking techniques and equipment. Photos of Highpack and Farvman's trips.

Hiking Dude

Island Hikes - Island hikes offers detailed trail information/location on hiking from Valleys to the Peaks on Vancouver Island/Port Alberni area. By combining Topo Maps with Image maps the visitor can view the trail and surrounding area by clicking on different hot spots placed on the Topo Map. Plus there is also a large gallery of outdoor digital shots, above and below ground.

Jacks R Better

Jeff's Hiking Page

Joe's Ultralight Backpacking

John O's Ultralight Backpacking Page - Gives examples on how I and others have lightened our backpack weight and increased the outdoor experience. Discussions on alternative backpacking equipment. A journal of my 1999 Appalachian Trail thru-hike starting in March Discussions on my hikes and what worked for me and what didn't.

Journey On the Wild Coast

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